Beginners Yoga Course

4 x Saturdays 2.30pm - 3.30pm

nEXT cOURSE mAY 8TH - mAY 29TH 2021.

 An introductory course for Beginners Yoga.  Have always been curious about Yoga but never given it a go? Now is your chance to start  Learning the Art of Yoga.  Learning the basic poses the benefits of the pose, correct alignment, yoga breathing and meditation.  This class is designed for you to give it a go, ask questions and then be able to continue into existing classes with confidence. Now more than ever the benefits of Yoga are being sought after.  Yoga is a wonderful tonic for a busy life, a stressed mind and a body out of sync, Many people turn to Yoga as an alternative form of exercise some have had injuries or existing health issues that continue to bother them and yoga has become their option for gentle recovery while still exercising.  (If you missed this course then register your interest through our booking page. Beginners yoga courses are held through out the year)

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